Exercises For Six-Pack Abs
For many fitness enthusiasts, a six pack is the goal they wish to achieve. But the reality is, achieving a ripped set of abs goes beyond appearances.
Getting a six pack requires body fat reduction, a healthy diet and training for strength all over your physique. But it also requires a solid understanding of the ab anatomy and how to properly train for visible abs.
1. Abdominal Crunch
Abdominal crunches are one of the most popular core exercises. They train the rectus abdominis (the muscles that make up the six-pack), as well as the obliques.
But you need to do them correctly for maximum benefit. If you don’t, they can actually harm your back and neck, as well as lead to injury.
The best way to do an abdominal crunch is to lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet firmly planted on the floor. Place your arms across your chest or behind your head for support.
Contract your abs and raise your head and shoulders off the floor, returning to the starting position slowly and carefully. Repeat several times.
2. Side Crunch
The side crunch is a classic and effective core exercise that can be done at home or the gym. It’s easy to do with no equipment and is a great way to get a toned midsection.
The best part is that it also targets your obliques, which are an important component of six-pack abs.
It’s a challenging exercise that will work both your upper and lower abs, so you should aim to do it three times a week.
For best results, try to do as many reps as you can with a minute of rest between sets. Start out with light weights and build up the resistance as you develop your strength.
3. Side Plank
While planks are often overlooked by beginners, they’re a great way to build core strength without having to lift too much weight. Especially with modifications like keeping your top foot out in front of your bottom foot, they’re an accessible exercise for beginner fitness enthusiasts and can provide a full core workout without too much risk of injury.
Physical therapist Varsha Seemangal says the side plank is one of her favorite ab exercises because it really targets your obliques, or the muscles on the sides of your body. It also helps stabilize your spine from side to side, which is key for reducing back pain.
To start, lie on your side and straighten your legs. Then place your elbow directly under your shoulder, with the forearm pressed into the floor.
4. Sit-Up
The sit-up is a classic bodyweight exercise that strengthens the rectus abdominis muscle (the uppermost layer of your six-pack). It also works other core muscles like the lower back and obliques.
However, doing too many sit-ups can lead to injury, so it’s important to perform them properly. Fortunately, there are other exercises that can help you achieve defined abdominals.
For example, planks are a great way to develop core strength and balance. Plus, they’re less likely to cause injuries than sit-ups or crunches.
5. Hip-Up
The hip-up is an excellent exercise to strengthen your major ab muscles as well as your deep abdominals. It also helps reduce stress on your back.6.
Aside from doing this exercise regularly, it’s important to incorporate a number of other exercises that target your core. These include cardio, crunches, plank, mountain climbers, and hanging ab curls.
You can even try a combination of these exercises to achieve the perfect six-pack. But a lot will depend on your body type and fitness level.
6. Leg Lift
The leg lift is a great exercise for burning fat and building six-pack abs. It’s easy to perform and is a staple in any home gym.
It’s also a great way to add a challenge to your training routine, requiring you to increase the number of reps and rest times in order to keep your body burning as much fat as possible during the workout.
Alternatively, you can incorporate it into a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout, which will make it even more effective.
The key to executing this exercise correctly is to not arch your back or flex your neck during the movement. Keeping your abs tight will help prevent this, and it will also train your core for better stability.
7. Leg Raise
The leg raise is an effective exercise for building lower abdominals and targeting the rectus abdominis. It also works the hamstrings, quads and hip flexors.
It can be done lying on a flat surface and is a great addition to any workout routine. It is also beneficial for those with back pain, and can help to improve core strength.
However, it is important to use proper form when doing this exercise. Bad form can lead to arching of the lower back.
To perform this exercise, lie on the floor and extend your legs, keeping your palms facing down. Lift them up until they are about 6 inches off the ground.
8. Knee-to-Elbow
Knees to elbows are one of the best exercises for six-pack abs. They’re not only great for the rectus abdominis and hip flexors, but they also work your obliques.
These muscle groups aren’t visible to the naked eye, but they serve vital functions in a variety of areas — from stabilizing the spine to providing support for the organs and muscles in your abdomen.
They also help improve your balance, proprioception and stability – all of which have athletic carryover.
The knee-to-elbow can be done in a variety of ways, and you can scale them up or down to suit your ability level. In any case, it’s a solid core and abdominal exercise that can be included in any workout routine.
9. Push-Up
Sculpting a toned and defined six-pack requires a combination of regular exercise, including strength training for your core and cardio, to burn calories and reduce body fat.
Push-ups are a classic and can be an excellent addition to your workout routine. But there are also some variations you can try to make your workout more challenging.
For example, you can try adding a diamond push-up to your routine. This variation focuses on your triceps and inner chest, while also engaging your abs.
You can also do decline push-ups by placing your feet on a bench and performing a high plank position. At the top of your push-up, slide your feet in closer to your hands and slowly lower yourself back down to your original position.
10. Lunge
Often overlooked, the lunge is one of the best lower-body exercises you can do. This versatile movement pattern focuses on several muscle groups in the legs, including your glutes, hamstrings and quads.
The lunge has many variations, so you can challenge yourself at every level of fitness. Beginners can start with simple bodyweight versions, adding weight as they become more comfortable.
Lunges also strengthen your stabilizer muscles, which make it easier for you to maintain proper posture during exercise, and can even help reduce the risk of injury.
To do a forward lunge, start by standing with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Step your front leg out to the side and lower yourself to a lunge position, bending both knees. Forcefully push off from the ball of your back foot to return to the starting position.